The American Club is Singapore’s favourite Social and Sports Club, a unique private community where Members ofmore than 60 nationalities with diverse and dynamic cultureand their families enjoy superb facilities, outstanding dining expereience and a high level of service.

American Club American Club Singapore Singapore Club Family Club Sport Club Sports Club The American Club Singapore

Mar 26, 2025

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Join Our Community

A diverse, close-knit community founded on the values of freedom, inclusivity and friendship.

Two-week Sampler

Experience the Club and all it has to offer.

Virtual Club Tour

Request a personalised in-person Club Tour HERE or email

Joining Fees

The American Club has a variety of Membership types. Membership is open to individuals who are at least 21 years old.

Virtual Club Tour

Get a glimpse of the Club's amenities and facilities from wherever you are in the world.

Refer a Friend

Introduce a friend to become a Member of The American Club and get rewarded* with Club dining vouchers.

*Referral form must be completed to be eligible for rewards. Each referral is valid for six months only.

Membership Categories

The American Club knows the importance of extended family. Apply for a Supplementary Membership card for your Guests, children and parents.

Niche Group

The American Club Niche Group program offers four tiers of
premiere membership based on tenure or spending.

Reciprocal Clubs

Your privileges go beyond The American Club Singapore. If you're travelling, our network of Reciprocal Clubs will provide the same warm welcome wherever you may find yourself in the world.

Member Testimonials

What they say about us


Frequently Asked Questions

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Email Address
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