The American Club is Singapore’s favourite Social and Sports Club, a unique private community where Members ofmore than 60 nationalities with diverse and dynamic cultureand their families enjoy superb facilities, outstanding dining expereience and a high level of service.

American Club American Club Singapore Singapore Club Family Club Sport Club Sports Club The American Club Singapore

Mar 13, 2025

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Friendly Reminders

To keep your Club safe and enjoyable, we would like to bring to your attention some of our more important bylaws and rules of the Clubhouse. Click here for a complete set of the Club Bylaws. Should you have any questions, please approach the Concierge desk and ask for the Duty Manager.


  • Members must present their valid membership card to the guards voluntarily upon entering the Club via either the Claymore entrance or carpark, regardless of the number of entries in a day.
  • Guests must be signed in and accompanied by a Member at all times.
  • Membership number must be kept private.
  • Members need to produce their card voluntarily to the staff at the point of ordering or transaction.
  • Members who have forgotten to bring their valid membership card must obtain a Day Pass from the Concierge desk as a form of identification.
  • Members must show their membership card when requested to do so by any authorized employee of the Club when on Club premises.
  • Update your photo on your membership card to ensure that you remain recognizable.
  • Carry your physical membership card with you at all times for ease of access.
  • Lost or stolen cards must be reported to the Membership Office immediately.



  • Children between 12 and 18 years old to whom Club cards have been issued may introduce two Guests at a time only.
  • Children below 12 years old must be accompanied by an adult at all times except when signed into The Quad and Quad Poolside.
  • Members are responsible for the behavior of their children. Please ensure that your children do not run or misbehave in the Club.
  • Children must wear shoes in the clubhouse.
  • Children who are wet or not attired properly will not be permitted to enter the outlets.
  • Children below 12 years old are permitted Monday through Friday for dinner at The 2nd Floor, but must be seated between 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. and must vacate the restaurant by 8:00 p.m. They are only permitted in The 2nd Floor Restaurant from 11:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays. They are not allowed in the lounge.



  • Access is limited to the Carpark only.
  • Driver Pass must be presented upon entry into the Carpark.
  • Only registered vehicles are allowed into the Carpark.



Helpers can only accompany Members’ children to the Club before and after scheduled classes from Monday to Friday, 3:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. There are two types of Helper Pass:

Green: With signing privileges
Cardholder may order food for Members’ children at Grillhouse and Tradewinds only, before and after their scheduled classes. Members’ children must be present in order for the Helper to place food orders.

Orange: No signing privileges
Helpers are allowed into the Club to drop-off and pick-up Members’ children from scheduled classes only. They cannot accompany Members’ children for recreational activities in the Club.

Drivers and Helpers are not allowed to run errands in the Club on behalf of Members. Any violations of the rules and regulations will result in suspension or confiscation of these passes.


  • The carpark is for Member-registered cars only. Members must be in the registered car and must present their membership card before the car is allowed entry into the carpark. If the Member car is not registered in the electronic system, the Member is required to park at the holding area and proceed to Concierge to complete the necessary registration process.
  • Members must be present in the Club at all times while parked in the carpark. 
  • Drive with care in the Carpark. Slow down and look out for pedestrians. The maximum driving speed is 20km/h.
  • Two Five-minute Parking Bays are located at Carpark level one. They are for quick drop-offs and pick-ups only. Chauffeured vehicles are not allowed in these lots.
  • Two EV charging lots are located at Carpark level one. They are strictly for charging only. Parking is prohibited in these lots.
  • The EV charging rate will be adjusted from $0.48/kWh to $0.59/kWh effective January 1, 2024.



  • Attire at The 2nd Floor is smart casual; men’s shirts should have sleeves and collar. Neckties are not required. Jeans may not be overly faded, stressed or torn. No slippers (flip-flops) and no shorts (including Bermuda shorts) are permitted in these areas. Where applicable, the aforementioned is for ladies as well. Additionally, no singlets, mini-skirts, or hot pants are allowed. For children, no flip-flops, rubber shoes, sports shoes, and Bermuda shorts.
  • No muscle T-shirts are allowed in Tradewinds and Union Bar.
  • Bathing suits should only be worn at the Pool.
  • Appropriate cover-ups must be worn elsewhere on the Club premises.
  • Shoes must be worn at all times in the Clubhouse.



  • Music and audio cannot be played out loud in the Club. Members are welcome to use headphones to listen to music or watch videos.
  • Photography, videography and audio recordings taken with the intent of commercial use is strictly prohibited.
  • The Club is protected by CCTV, and all media recorded is for the safety of Members, Guests and employees. The Club may use any and all such media as it sees fit to the extent permitted by Singapore law.



  • Members’ children and Guests below 18 years old are not permitted in Union Bar nor are they allowed to consume alcohol on Club premises.
  • Members’ children and Guests aged 18 years old and above must present a valid membership card, original passport, or Singapore government-issued ID to Club employees prior to ordering alcoholic beverages.


Members and Guests are not allowed to bring outside food and drinks for consumption in the Club unless they are required for medical purposes or intended for children below two years old.

Children below 12 years old must have direct supervision from a parent or adult Member at all times when at the swimming pool.

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