The American Club is Singapore’s favourite Social and Sports Club, a unique private community where Members ofmore than 60 nationalities with diverse and dynamic cultureand their families enjoy superb facilities, outstanding dining expereience and a high level of service.

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Mar 30, 2025

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Seasonal Kids Camps

Seasonal camps are a great way for kids to have fun and keep them occupied when school is out. The camps offer a full day of activities around sports, art and science in a safe and fun environment. Think Glitter Slime Making, learning about basic Physics, Amazing Race, Oreo Cheese Cake Making, Street Dance, Aqua Fun and more.

Check out the various camps available in the video below.

Upcoming Camps

Camp Eagle Explorers – Spring 2025

April 1 – 11, 2025
Week 1: April 1 – 4, 2025

Week 2: April 7 – 11, 2025

Reconnect with old friends and meet new ones while making unforgettable Spring break memories.

4 – 7 Years Old
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

The Quad Studios

Activity Highlights: DIY Science Activities, Sports, Arts & Craft, Guided Cooking & Baking, and more.

View the full camp schedule here.

Member: $130/day or $650/week
Guest: $150/day or $750/week

Registrations open on Monday, March 3, 2025. Register here.

8 Years Old & Above
8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Off-site; various locations

Activity Highlights: Trip to the Water Park, Go on Educational Trips, Participate in High-element Outdoor Sports, and more.

View the full camp schedule here.

Member: $140/day or $700/week
Guest: $160/day or $800/week

Registrations open on Monday, March 3, 2025. Register here.

Fill in this form to register your interest and get more details on our upcoming Kids Camps. Exciting activities, personal growth, and new friendships await!

Member Testimonials

What parents say about our camps

We decided to send our child to camp to have a fruitful Summer holiday by learning new things and making new friends. He likes the water play best. I appreciate the Youth team celebrating his 5th birthday during the camp.

Fiona Wu


Samantha loved the breakfast, snacks and lunch provided and she said that the outdoor water play was her absolute favorite. She also enjoyed meeting and making a lot of new friends, that she has since run into at the Club. For me, I appreciated that we could sign up for the camps weekly. That flexibility was great. I also think being able to have Guests join is a really good option. The camp is a wonderful way for kids to be occupied, active and have a ton of fun in a safe environment during the holidays.

Jennifer Lim


Frequently Asked Questions

What are seasonal camps?

Seasonal camps are youth recreation camps that operate for specific periods throughout the year, and are different from year-round camps.

At The American Club Singapore, we organize seasonal camps – Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter camps – for kids of all ages, from 3 years old to 12 years old. Camp fees vary depending on your child’s age and the camp duration.

Most of the seasonal camps take place within The American Club Singapore premises. Camps that are organized and operated by third-party vendors are conducted on the vendor’s premises.

Yes, two-way transport is provided from The American Club Singapore to and fro the camp venue.

Typically, children aged 3 to 6 years old participate in their first camp. It is advisable to enroll them in day camps, as these camps offer the advantage of following a similar schedule to the child’s school routine. This familiarity and comfort will help make their first camp experience enjoyable and aids in their adjustment to the new environment.

Seasonal camps offer a diverse range of activities for children to participate in during their school holidays. These activities include outdoor adventures like exploring nature and wildlife, and sports and games, and indoor activities like arts and crafts, educational workshops, team-building exercises, and themed events. The aim is to provide a fun, enriching experience, fostering personal growth and friendship.
For a more in-depth information about the benefits of sending your kids to camp, read our article “How Camps Foster Resilience and Independence in Children

Registration starts at 9:00 a.m. at The Quad Studios, Basement 3. Please drop off your child at The Quad Studios, if you are running late.

If you are arranging for someone else to pick your child up at the last minute, please call The Quad at 6739-4444/4432 stating the name of your child and arrival time for our Team Member to relay the message to your child and ensure that they leave with the person designated to pick them up.

Yes, all activities reflected in the program schedule may change due to poor weather conditions. Outdoor activities will be replaced with an indoor activity.

Returning Absentee Members
Returning Absentee Members with a valid membership card can register their child for camp. Payment can only be made by credit card. Absentee Members will be required to provide their credit card details to the Youth Desk upon registration.

New Members who have yet to receive a membership card
New Members who have been issued a day pass and have made payment to the Membership team are eligible to register their kids for all camps.

This camp is open to Member’s Guests. Charges for Guests will be charged to the sponsoring Member’s account. The sponsoring
Member will need to sign their Guests into the Club.

One counselor to three kids (2 to 4 years old)

Children who are three months away from the minimum age are allowed to join.

If your child is unable to attend camp on any of the days during the week, the full camp fee will still be charged unless you are able to produce a medical certificate.

Please call The Quad at 6739-4444/4432. Your child will need to submit a medical certificate from a doctor or hospital by the end of the camp week for charges to be waived.

It is imperative that all parents leave an emergency contact as our Team Member will contact the number listed as your child’s emergency contact if any unexpected situations arise.

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