The American Club is Singapore’s favourite Social and Sports Club, a unique private community where Members ofmore than 60 nationalities with diverse and dynamic cultureand their families enjoy superb facilities, outstanding dining expereience and a high level of service.

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Mar 14, 2025

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sên Spa on TAC Book

Update as of September 19, 2022: To ensure a seamless booking experience for Members, the launch of sên Spa on TAC Book will be postponed to early October. During this period, Members may email or call 6739-4449 / 459. Details on the new launch date will be advised in due course. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

From September 20, 2022, Members will be able to make and manage bookings for sên Spa services via TAC Book. Migration will soon be in progress, so Members will not be able to schedule new bookings or make changes to existing appointments from September 13 to 19, 2022.

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