The American Club is Singapore’s favourite Social and Sports Club, a unique private community where Members ofmore than 60 nationalities with diverse and dynamic cultureand their families enjoy superb facilities, outstanding dining expereience and a high level of service.

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Mar 13, 2025

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Member Portal Goes Online

We are pleased to announce the launch of the new Member Portal that is accessible through the Club's website. Please click here to view the step-by-step account creation and login guide.


Principal Members can now view their e-Statement of Accounts (e-SOA) for up to 13 months on the portal. Members will no longer receive a physical copy of their SOA from September 2022 onwards. Please click here to learn how to access your e-SOA on the Member Portal.

For added convenience, the new Downloads tab displays important Club information such as the General Committee Meeting Minutes and the Members' Financial Dashboard all in one page. Niche Group Members can also view all of their privileges for the quarter by clicking on the new Niche Group tab.

The portal also allows Members to easily update their particulars under the Profile tab, all at the touch of a button.

The new Member Portal comes with enhanced features built for your convenience. It includes a digital Member e-Card that can be accessed from your mobile phone and will be available for use across the new point-of-sale systems in the Club. Look out for the announcement when this new feature is launched.

E-vouchers will soon be available on the portal. Once the e-vouchers have been issued, Members can conveniently view all of them at a glance on the Member Portal. This new feature also allows you to keep track of vouchers that are expiring soon and those that have been redeemed.


Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Some sections of the Member Portal do not seem to be loading properly. What do I do?
Please clear your browser cache, and log in again. If the issue persists, please email

2. I am not a Principal Member. Can I be granted access to view the e-SOA on the Member Portal?
No; due to PDPA, only Principal Members are allowed to access the e-SOA. If required, you may ask the Principal Member to either send you the e-SOA separately, or log into their Member Portal account using their login details.


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