The American Club is Singapore’s favourite Social and Sports Club, a unique private community where Members ofmore than 60 nationalities with diverse and dynamic cultureand their families enjoy superb facilities, outstanding dining expereience and a high level of service.

American Club American Club Singapore Singapore Club Family Club Sport Club Sports Club The American Club Singapore

Mar 11, 2025

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Supplementary Membership Categories

Junior Membership

Junior Membership is open to Members’ children who are aged between 12 and 24 years old. Monthly fees apply.

Junior Membership Monthly Fees
Junior Member (12-20 years old): $17.17 per month
Extended Junior Member (21-below 25 years old): $183.12 per month

Registration of Children under the age of 12
Children under 12 must be accompanied by their parents at all times. Please register your children under your family membership here, if you have not.

Benefits of Junior Membership

Junior Members can independently access the Club’s facilities.

Junior Members aged 12 to under 21 years old can bring two Guests. Prevailing Guest policy applies for Junior Members aged 19 to under 25 years old.

Enjoy Junior Membership with big privileges.

Visiting Membership

Visiting Memberships are designed to accommodate visitors for up to 90 days (can be split into three applications) in a calendar year. The following are eligible to apply for Visiting Membership, upon the nomination of any active Member.

Type A

Children of current Members, between 21 and 24 years old, who are full-time students of any recognized educational institution outside of Singapore and non-Singapore residents. Documentary proof is required.

S$183.12 per month or
S$45.78 per week or part thereof per person.

Type B

Visiting relatives (no age requirement) or children of Members who are 25 years old and above and non-Singapore residents.

S$248.20 per month or
S$62.05 per week or part thereof per person

Type C

Any person or family of good standing, on social visit to Singapore.

S$615.80 per month or
S$153.95 per week or part thereof

Type D

Any Member who is on
Absent Status.

Family Membership: S$226.72 per month or S$56.68 per week or part thereof

Single Membership: S$183.12
per month or S$45.78 per week or part thereof

Dependent Senior Citizen
Restricted Membership

Members with parents aged 65 years old and above and reside permanently in the same household may apply for a Dependent Senior Citizen Restricted Membership.

Membership and fees are subject to the General Committee’s (GC) approval; Dependents may not vote at General Meetings and not go on Absent Status. An annual and monthly usage fee apply. All charges will be linked to the main Membership account.

Terms & Conditions:

1. Application to be submitted with proof of relationship to qualifying Member and proof of residence.

2. Non-refundable annual application fee: $400 per annum per
3. Non-refundable monthly subscription fee: $75 per month per person.
4. Application is subject to approval of the General Committee, processing time
takes about 1 – 2 months.
5. Member shall be responsible to settle all outstanding debts incurred by such
Dependent Senior Restricted Member including any fees not paid by him/her.
6. Quota of not more than 40 persons to hold this membership at any one time.

7. The Dependent Senior Citizen Restricted membership is created for a period of one year, and will be renewed only upon approval of the General Committee

Absent Status and Resignation

If you’re preparing to move away from Singapore and resign, please contact the membership office for information on Absentee Status.

Our fully paid Ordinary, Service, and Associate Members have the option of going on Absentee Status. Absentee Status is a wonderful privilege, which is available for $1,020.24 (family) or $824.04 (single) for a five year period. As an Absentee Member, after you have left Singapore for a minimum of six months, you may come back and use the Club three times a year for up to ninety days for a nominal fee. If you return to Singapore within five years, we will refund you the prorated difference of your $1,020.24 (or $824.04) fee and you can restart your membership for only $110. Absent status is extendable on a five-year period at the prevailing fee.

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