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Feb 17, 2025

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The Harvard Krokodiloes: An A Capella Performance

Catch Harvard’s signature a cappella group perform live in The Galbraith Ballroom this June.

Comprising 12 tuxedo-clad Harvard undergraduates, The Harvard Krokodiloes has been charming audiences across the world since 1946 with their signature blend of jazz, funk, rock and roll, and ballad arrangements. Their musical excellence, witty humor, professionalism, and intricate choreography have made them instant crowd-pleasers and earned them invitations to perform in more than 60 countries.

Every year, the Kroks embark on 80 days of international tour to around 20 countries, performing for esteemed audiences including former President Bill Clinton, former King Bhumibol of Thailand, and former President Mukherjee of India. From Cambridge to Cape Town, in public concerts or private performances, the Krokodiloes promise an a cappella experience like no other.


Friday, June 9, 2023
7:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
The Galbraith Ballroom
Member: $50 | Guest: $55
Inclusive of a glass of house wine (red or white) and a glass of non-alcoholic beverage


Terms and Conditions
• Doors will close at 7:20 p.m.; latecomers will strictly not be allowed to enter
• Registration is required
• A no-show and 72-hour cancellation policy applies
• Guests must be accompanied and registered by Members


For more information, please email

Event Date

June 9, 2023

Event Location

The Galbraith Ballroom
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