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Feb 19, 2025

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The Art of Buying Art

Join us for "The Art of Buying Art," a captivating event that celebrates Singapore's rich artistic heritage and offers valuable insights into the world of art collecting. Delve into the works of renowned first-generation Nanyang artists such as Chen Wen Hsi and Georgette Chen, as we explore their influential contributions to the local art scene and the profound appreciation they have garnered. Discover the captivating pieces by Ang Ah Tee, who expertly blends Nanyang art with contemporary perspectives, while also gaining bile-sized information on other exhibiting artists, including the remarkable works of Ong Kok Peng.

Wednesday, May 24, 2023
7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m

Complimentary wine and light bites will be served.
Minimum 12 participants; maximum 30 participants.

• Zak Lo - Gallery 1819, Gallery Director
• Zhao Hong - Ink artist, Art Critic and Special Contributor to a well known local magazine
• Ang Ah Tee - Cultural Medallion Recipient, Nanyang Artist

Event Date

May 24, 2023

Event Location

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