The American Club is Singapore’s favourite Social and Sports Club, a unique private community where Members ofmore than 60 nationalities with diverse and dynamic cultureand their families enjoy superb facilities, outstanding dining expereience and a high level of service.

American Club American Club Singapore Singapore Club Family Club Sport Club Sports Club The American Club Singapore

Mar 13, 2025

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Send Wishes of Abundance and Prosperity @ The Gourmet Pantry

Usher in Spring Festival with mouthwatering goodies that will be a hit among young and old. Traditional options with a contemporary twist include the Club’s signature Premium Pineapple Ingots and Hae Bee Hiam Cookies, while new cookie options include Spring Blossom, Lychee Honey, Peony Osmanthus and more.

Express your appreciation through our premium selection of hampers which are great as gifts, whether personal or for business.


Pick up an order form at The Gourmet Pantry today or click here.


Terms and Conditions
• All orders must be placed at least five (5) business days in advance.
• For bulk hamper purchase (20 or more hampers), orders must be placed at least ten (10) business days in advance.
• A delivery fee of $20 per location per hamper is applicable. Delivery for bulk hamper purchase will be quoted separately.
• Discount is not available for customized hampers.

For more information on bulk hamper or customized hamper orders, please email or call 6739-4344.

Event Date

January 17, 2023

Event Location

The Gourmet Pantry
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