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Mar 19, 2025

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Joseph Drouhin Wine Dinner @ The 2nd Floor

Tuesday, April 16, 2024
7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
The 2nd Floor

Since 1880, Joseph Drouhin has crafted exceptional wines reflecting Burgundy's terroir. Led by the fourth generation., their wines maintain elegance, finesse and Burgundian character. Domaine Drouhin, resides in Oregon's Willamette Valley. Nestled in the Dunde Hills, it produces terroir-driven wines acclaimed for expressing Oregon's unique vineyard traits. This focus on quality has contributed to Oregon's global reputation for outstanding Pinot Noir and Chardonnay.

Member: $298
Guest: $328

About the Speaker
As the youngest Drouhin sibling, Frederic Drouhin leads the renowned Maison, recognizing his inheritence of centuries of history and exceptional terroirs. He pursued education at the University of Hartford in Connecticut, earning an MBA in marketing. While there, he experienced his first harvest at Domaine Drouhin Oregon with his sister Veronique. Rising through marketing and sales, he became General Manager in 1995 under his father, Robert Drouhin. Entrusted with full leadership five years later. Frederic assumed the role of President of the Executive Board in 2003, continuing the legacy of excellence.

Terms and Conditions:
•Reservations are on first-come, first-served basis
•Maximum 8 persons per reservation
•No substitution of menu items
•Max 50 pax
•Guests are allowed but will only be confirmed 72 hours before the dinner
•The 2nd Floor dress code and 72-hour cancellation policy applies

Event Date

April 16, 2024

Event Location

The 2nd Floor
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