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Children’s Library Activities – February 2023

Lovely Valentine’s Craft Contest
February 1-26, 2023

Love is in the air. Have a go at crafting a lovely Valentine’s paper bag, then fill it up with lots of love, and present it to your most treasured people.


Sweet Storytelling
Saturday, February 25, 2023
10:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Quad Poolside

Chosen Title: The Biggest Valentine Ever by Steven Kroll

When Mrs. Mousely asks her class to make Valentine’s cards, Clayton and Desmond decide to make one together and give it to their teacher as a surprise. But things don't go as planned. However, the two boys realize that by working together they can make the biggest, best Valentine’s card ever!

Event Date

February 1, 2023

Event Location

Children's Library
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