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Art Launch: Gallery 1819

Discover Gallery 1819's masterpieces by emerging talents and future master artists, which feature works by local and international artists. Discover how these artists portray their version of what “home” means to them based on their own experiences and observations through a captivating mix of art mediums.

Art Launch:
Wednesday, May 10, 2023
6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Complimentary wine and light bites will be served.

Art Launch attendees stand to win a pair of complimentary tickets to Me You, Then, Now - a retrospective dance performance by Muna Tseng, a featured artist at the 2023 Singapore International Festival of Arts.  Click here for more information.


About the Gallery
Gallery 1819 Singapore is a Fine Art gallery that features Southeast Asian artworks from artists across the region. Ranging from Chinese Ink to Gouache paintings, Gallery 1819 offers a versatile acquisition of collectible works within your reach. Its current portfolio houses some of the most esteemed artists in Singapore's art scene and reaches a wider pool of audience through both physical and virtual spaces.

Event Date

May 10, 2023

Event Location

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