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The Speaker Series – Applying to Ivy League Schools [FULLY BOOKED]

Wednesday, April 24, 2024
7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
The Galbraith Ballroom

Give your child the best shot at getting into Ivy League Universities and other prestigious varsity institutions in the US.

Connect with fellow parents, Ivy League alumni, and admissions professionals, and learn all about entry processes, application essentials, financial aid and strategies for navigating an increasingly competitive admissions landscape.

About the Speakers

Robbie Short
Robbie grew up in the U.S., near Sacramento, California (home to the state capital). After studying history at Yale University, he lived for two years in Hong Kong, before moving to Singapore. His academic interests include U.S. immigration history, with a focus on 19th- and 20th-century migration within North America and between Asia and North America.

Petra Phang
Petra is Singaporean, but identifies as a third-culture individual, having spent more than two decades abroad. While overseas, she attended both American and British international schools before deciding to pursue her undergraduate studies in the United States. Subsequently, in an effort to be closer to Southeast Asia, she attended law school and was admitted to the legal profession in Australia.

Event Date

April 24, 2024

Event Location

The Galbraith Ballroom
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