The American Club is Singapore’s favourite Social and Sports Club, a unique private community where Members ofmore than 60 nationalities with diverse and dynamic cultureand their families enjoy superb facilities, outstanding dining expereience and a high level of service.

American Club American Club Singapore Singapore Club Family Club Sport Club Sports Club The American Club Singapore

Mar 31, 2025

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The Club features two state-of-the-art Squash Courts with a covered outdoor gallery area. We run an active calendar of events throughout the year for our Squash enthusiasts including Squash Box Ladder, Handicap and Open Tournament and Inter-Club Leagues.

Group and private lessons are available.

Operating Hours

Monday to Friday

6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

Saturday & Sunday

6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

Squash Etiquette

Punctuality & Cancellation Policy

  • Please arrive at least 5 minutes early and sign in at the Sports Counter before heading to the Squash Courts.
  • Late arrivals will shorten your game time. If you are running late, please call 6739-4312 / 4451 in advance.
  • Reservations will be held for a maximum of 15 minutes. A no-show will result in a charge, and the court will be released to other Members.
  • Cancellations must be made at least 4 hours in advance.
  • The Club encourages players of all levels to join the regular Squash Socials. This is an informal opportunity to meet the squash community and enjoy short matches with a variety of players, without having to book ahead. Reciprocal Members are also invited to join while they are visiting Singapore. The Squash Social is held every week throughout the year, on the following schedule:

    Tuesday and Thursday

    5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.


    10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

    Improve your techniques with the Squash Ball Feeder Machine. The machine simulates various game scenarios, helping players enhance skills through repetitive practice.

    The machine is available for rent. Learn more here.




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